Today insurance has become even more important due to the disintegration of the prevalent joint family system, a system in which a number of generations co-existed in harmony, a system in which a sense of financial security was always there as there were more earning members.
Times have changed and the nuclear family has emerged. Apart from other pitfalls of a nuclear family, a high sense of insecurity is observed in it today besides, the family has shrunk. Needs are increasing with time and fulfillment of these needs is a big question mark.
How will you be able to satisfy all those needs? Better lifestyle, good education, your long desired house. But again - you just cannot fritter away all your earnings. You need to save a part of it for the future too - a wise decision.

This is where insurance helps you.
Factors such as fewer number of earning members, stress, pollution, increased competition, higher ambitions etc are some of the reasons why insurance has gained importance and where insurance plays a successful role.
Insurance provides a sense of security to the income earner as also to the family. Buying insurance frees the individual from unnecessary financial burden that can otherwise make him spend sleepless nights. The individual has a sense of consolation that he has something to fall back on.
From the very beginning of your life, to your retirement age insurance can take care of all your needs. Your child needs good education to mould him into a good citizen. After his schooling he need to go for higher studies, to gain a professional edge over the others - a necessity in this age where cut-throat competition is the rule. His career needs have to be fulfilled.
Insurance is a must also because of the uncertain future adversities of life. Accidents, illnesses, disability etc are facts of life which can be extremely devastating. Other than the hospitalisation, medication bills these may run up it’s the aftermath of the incident, the physical well being of the individual that has to be taken into consideration. Will the individual be in a position to earn as before? A pertinent question. But what if he is not? Disability can be taken care of by insurance. Your family will not have to go through the grind due to your present inability.
Moreover, retirement, an age when every individual has almost fulfilled his responsibilities and looks forward to relaxing can be painful if not planned properly. Have you considered the increasing inflation and taxes? Will your investment offer you attractive returns under such circumstances? Will it take care of your family after you? An insurance policy will definitely take care of these and a lot more.
Insurance today has opened up new vistas for every section of society. Even for the village farmer insurance holds a lot of potential. Considering how dependent our agricultural system is on the monsoon, the farmer sees a dim future. The uncertainty of the monsoon too can be taken care of by insurance. Looking at the advantages of an insurance policy a number of farmers have gone in for insurance. Insurance has become a necessity today. It provides timely financial as also rewards with bonuses.
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